How to join


After joining NCLC, you may want to register for access to the Members Only section of the NCLC website.  All new members to the club are automatically given access to the website. For other members, you can contact the Communications VP for the club, Lyn Vandelaar, ( and request access.  

Access to the Website is offered to MEMBERS ONLY and we ask that you keep your sign-in and password confidential.  Please do not access the website for anyone not affiliated with NCLC.  

If at any time you feel that your password has been compromised, please contact Lyn Vandelaar, and an email will be sent to you to change your password.  

With your access, you may find many valuable club documents of interest.  There is always an up to date Membership Roster (even more current than your printed membership book).   There are monthly Treasurer’s Reports, and monthly Newsletters.      

We hope that this information is helpful to you.